Thursday, December 20, 2012

Game Plan

Story Flow Chart

Creating scenes in a sequence helps game designers tell the "story" of their game through a narrative. How are you using visual storytelling through your sequence of scenes to help players learn about your topic?

Since what my game is about is historical, having a story to this is rather easy. I am allowing the player to chronologically go through the story as if they are a citizen of USA at that time. I am using visuals to allow it to seem like it is that time period. To do that, I am making the items that people see based on that time period, such as older tvs and what not. Also, I am teaching the user about the election of 2000 and some of how elections work.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Keyboard Input

Do you have any other ideas for ways you might use the other keys on the keyboard to control your game? What was one interesting way that another game used keyboard control?

I have used the WASD keys for my game already. They are used for movement as well as the arrow keys. If there was a section of the game in which I have to fight people, I could use one set of keys, WASD or the arrow keys, as moving, while the other set as firing projectiles. I don't know though, but that is an idea for another game. If there was mouse input that allows the viewer to see around with the mouse, WASD keys would be very useful to the gamer.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Share a link, video or picture of an animation you like that relates to your game topic. What makes this animation stand out to you?

If I could, I would have used a gif much better than this, because what I wanted a gif to be is letters appearing one at a time. This is the closest I could find in a quick google search. Oh well. This animation stands out because of what I used in my game. Letters appearing automatically. I think that how they do that is interesting, and makes the game seem like someone put more time into making the game, even though it is very easy to make. It really isn't too hard to do.

Monday, December 17, 2012


How do you plan to use sound in your game? How will it help enhance the game play and learning experience of your game?

I plan on using sound to give the user something to listen to. A game can get boring without a sound to listen to. I will use it as probably background noise to the actual game. It will enhance the game by being something another sense can do while the other senses can focus on the game. The sounds used will range from peaceful, light music, to something that can make a specific part seem more challenging than it actually is. No sounds have been decided yet though.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Button Blog

Keeping in mind all of the different kinds of buttons there are and the different purposes they may serve, how might you use buttons in your game? Do some research and find a link you find helpful. Write a post explaining why this is a useful resource.

There are many ways to use a button, but my game will use buttons for one main reason. This is to continue with things such as plot. I will use buttons to have dialog continue and to have the plot continue. I know that there are other possible uses for buttons in my game, but I feel that this is the best use of a button. I may use buttons for something else, but I would prefer to use other things such as keyboard control. Like a famous button, "That was easy."

Monday, December 3, 2012

Flash Topics

Choose at least one Flash topic that you plan on using in your final game. Describe how you are going to use it.

A Flash topic that I will use is a good question. I will use sound when pressing a button. I feel that that gives the user a confirmation that the game is working. Also,  I will use collision detection. This is because it is one of the easiest topics to put into flash.

File:Adobe Flash Player v10 icon.png

New Idea

List a new idea (not just a fact) you've learned about your topic while making your game. How did you come to learn this? What sources where helpful to you in gaining this understanding? What makes these news or research sources especially informative and trustworthy?

Something I learned about my topic is that there was a third party canidate that got many votes. Those votes would have gone to Democratic canidate Al Gore, having him win the presidency. Instead, the Green party canidate got those votes, allowing Republican George W Bush to win. I learned this while researchuing for my game. I can't remeber the source, but they were trustworthy because I am sure they were from a reptuable source.

Current picture of Ralph Nader

Friday, November 16, 2012

Plan Team Game Blog

Is your team game a good learning game? Why?
I think so because my topic is a topic that is both important and interesting.
What would you add to the "Hobo's Journey" game to improve it?
Hobo's Journey has no improvement, because how bad it is. The creator probably made the game in one day, because the game was due and they played until the last minute.
What would you add to the "Larry" game to improve it?
Not much, because it is such a good game already. The main thing is not having the ability to chose what part of the story to do and make it more linear.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Reflecting on Your Game Idea

WHO are you designing your game for? (Include the player's age, abilities, and prior knowledge of your topic.)
I am designing this game for middle school age, maybe younger high schoolers. They do not need any prior knowledge, and they don't need to know much about computers.
How will you make sure your game is not hurtful to any group of people?
By being unbiased.
WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? (Be specific!)
The presidental election in 2000.
If you are making a social issue game, how will you show multiple perspectives?
By showing what the democrats supported, Republicans supported, and what the Independant supported.
WHERE does your game happen? Describe the world you will design for your game.
In the US, where there is only crappy dial-up connections.
How will this setting add to the learning experience?
Becau8se most of my playerswill be american, so it will try not to give a "I-don't-care-because-it-isn't-'merica" feeling.
HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic?
It will try to keep the player intrested in US.
What happens in the world that helps the player learn?
An election happens.
How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game?
They are the deciding vote for the election
WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz?
Because a quiz is boring.

GeorgeWBush.jpg45 Al Gore 3x4.jpg

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Choosing Team Game Topic

How did you work together to decide on this topic? Do you think that your topic will be easily incorporated into an educational game?
I didn't work together with anyone to figure out my topic, because I am in Globaloria 2, and there is only me. I don't know if this topic will be easy to make into a game. This is because it would be hard to teach this historical event to people. I would have to explain alot about the election process, such as the electoral college. I just don't know how this will go, but I hope it goes well.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Mini Game

Write a Blog post relecting on how hard or easy making your own "mini game" was. Was is easier since you had already done the carrot mini-game or was it still a little confusing? Are you getting excited to be able to code you very own game?
Making my own mini game was quite easy. Since the carrot game basically had the code, I copied the code and put it into my game. I am getting nervous, not excited for my game because I still don't know what to do. I am debating on bridge building, something math, or a history lesson. I still don't know though. I'll figue it out.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Making a Game

Write a Blog post to reflect what have you learned about building a game that surprises you. How does it change the way you look at games you like to play?
Something that surprises me his the amount of code used to program the game. It wasn't that much. I would think that there would be more code to make something follow another object. One thing that I thought while doing this was what who designed the code? I guess that it would the people that made Adobe Flash. Oh well, I guess that that isn't important.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Play to Learn Part 2

What did you learn from your choice of games and genres to review?
Even if your genre is action, a genre that seems to work well with any subject, it may be best to do a different subject. For example, in the game, Flood Escape, the game should be adventure due to the subject and how "well" they executed the action genre. In another game, Sigma Prime, it was much better because it fits the action genre better and actually was fun.
Name any game features that stood out to you, either because they were interesting or because they could be improved.
A feature that stood out for me was in Sigma Prime, the ability to fire projectiles at objects. This, to me, seems like alot of coding, but well worth it.

Picture is a typical action game. This game, specifically, is part of the Half Life series.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Game Ingredients

Write a Blog post about a problem you overcame while working on the code for one of your game ingredients. How did you overcome this problem?
A problem I had wasn't actually with the coding, but remembering how to code it. I have forgotten alot since last year when I last learned about this, so doing this Flash coding was difficult.
Do you think that by solving this problem on your own (or with a little help) will help prepare you for solving problems with coding later on?
Yes, because if I can solve this, then I could probably solve this in the future. This is because I feel that this may be the hardest part of the year, because alot of this coding was new to me. This is because this hidden object game is new to the curriculum.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Making the Objects Hide

Was it harder than you thought?
Not really, because it was logical how the code is.
What was hard about it?
When you realize that the objects aren't buttons, and you have to covert them into buttons, that is just tedious.
Were you proud when your first object disappeared?
Yes, because even though I am in my second year of Globaloria, I have never made objects dissapear, just move to another location.
Did you have to debug?
I didn't have to debug, thankfully, because that gets tiring when you think you are ready, but you are not yet becausemore bugs are appearing.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Drawing A Background

Was it harder than you thought?
What was harder than I thought was getting the paper prototype lined up with the stage. Because the paper prototype was a large picture, it was hard adjusting the picture to be hovering over the stage.
What was hard about it?
As I just said, the placing the paper prototype over the stage was difficult. Besides that, it was fairly simple.
Was there anything specific that you really liked about drawing in Flash?
How many different ways there are to drawing in flash, such as straight lines, pencil, and many other things.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Paper Prototype Part 1

What problems did it help you to solve with your game idea?
It helped with the basic design of my game, such as how to hide my objects. It also helped with my basic idea that I feel that I got across well through my paper prototype. It didn't help with having detail in my game. I feel that this is because when I transfer my prototype to Flash, that more details will be transfered with it. Overall, the paper prototype helped with my game making.

Commented on this post: Austin

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Plan Game Scene

Write about your vision for this game.
What I vision for the hidden object game is a cityscape. In there, there will be my hidden symbols that has to be found in order of P.E.M.D.A.S.
What excites you about it?
What excites me is that this is the first time I used flash since last school year. It's been awhile but I feel that I will remember most of the stuff. Even if I don't remember, I can look it up and I will figure out how to do it.

Commented on this post: James

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Choosing a Learnign Topic

Why do you like this topic for your Hidden Object game?The topic I am using is order of operations. I like this topic for my hidden object gane because it is easy to learn and maybe easy to do in a game. This will not be in any way related to my final game. This is because it would be difficult to have a full game with this subject, but it would be easy to have a minigame with this subject.

Commented on this post: Austin

Monday, September 10, 2012

Play to Learn Part 1

Reflect on what you learned by playing these games. What kind of ideas did you get for your own game?
Some of the hidden object games, such as Animals at Risk, were good games. Some, on the other hand, like Kitty Math, has few good attributes. Kitty Math was too easy and you could moe the mouse around and find the cat by how the mouse changed. The art was good though, in Kitty Math. Animals at Risk was a good game, hiding the objects very well, but the background got repetitive. An idea is using the good in both of these games and make it a level in my game, which may be a tri-level thing again.

Commented on this blog: Austin

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Single Story/Join the Community

What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?
What it means is that someone has a single idea of how a certain place is, kind of like a steryotype.
Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community?
A single story about West Virginia is that we are all rednecks that inbreed into oblivion. What is missing that extremely few are like that, but most of us are sophisticated, like any other place. People can learn about WV by visiting.
Describe a single story you have heard about another community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about that community?
A single story I have heard is that California is all hippies. I learned of this through the media and I could find out about CA is to visit or have an email "pen-pal".
How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community?
It could show how life in an area actually is and not how they think it is.

Commented on this blog: James

Friday, August 31, 2012

New Year, New Goals

What I plan on doing this year is make a game that is better than my game last year. I have no idea so far what my game will be about, but I will figure it out soon. I doubt that I will do a math-based game, so either one of the other bases of STEM or Civics, but I have no idea. I am most excited about how my game will be. I am most afraid of the game turning out.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Class Critique

Please critique this class - critique EVERYTHING about it - the class work, the blogs, the learning logs, all the requirements. Also critique your teammates - do your teammembers pull their load?
The class itself is perfectly fine. This Globaloria class is small, which is good being a computer class. I feel sorry for the other classes due to their size, but I guess that they are used to it. I am happy with the progress that has been made in the class from the begining of the year to the end. Some of the people in the class seem to do nothing, but what do you think. I feel that this is just life and that stuff like this happens. Some of the games being done have had great progress going on. For example, Milkapedia's team has done a great job with their game because of how detailed it seems to be. They have great drawings and a wonderful storyline. I just hope that everyone completes their game by the end of the year.

Commented on this post: Austin

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Is your Game Ready???

Is your game ready?
Not yet. I have very little to do though, so that is nice.
What else do you have to do to it to make it ready?
Finish conclusion, add sound, and finish making the character design.
Do you think that you will have everything done in time?
Yes. The conclusion can be done in literally 30 minutes, sounds in a couple days, and character in probably 4-5 days.
What do you plan on leaving out if you don't have enough time?

The character designs, but not completely because now they are just stick figures and I want to make them look more humanoid. Not exactly human (random color skin, weird hair, ect).

I commented on this blog: Gary

Monday, April 23, 2012

End of the World

80 degress in February, snow and 30 degrees in April....what in the world is up with the weather?
It is just a freak weather system. So what. It isn't the first time it has snowed in April.
I know we talked about this earlier in the year, but do you think the strange weather is any way related to the end of the world?
No. No. Just no. This is in no way related to the Mayans. They just stopped making a calendar and now everyone is going crazy about it.
Did the Mayan's call it correct and is the world going to end in December 2012?
*sigh* They didn't know when the world was going to end. They were an ancient society that is no more. Who cares about 'Will the world end?' talk and figure what would happen if it didn't? The only thing is a mad rush to get Christmas shopping and a higher suicide rate. That is it.

Commneted on this blog: Caitlin

Monday, April 16, 2012

Stolen Penguin

What do you think the motive was?
I honestly think that the people just got bored and decided "Lets go steal a penguin".
Why do you think he stole the penguin?
I feel that the penguin was stolen for no true reason, and just to see
What charges do you think he will face?
I feel that the people will face charges like tresspassing, stealing a protected animal, and being really dumb (the last one isn't a true charge, but I think should at times).
Do you think he feels regret for doing it?
Some, but not that much because of the fact that I feel that it may be a drunk fun that created this.
What do you think about this?
The people that did this was dumb and I'm happt that the penguin is safe.

Commented on this blog: Caitlin

Technology in the Artic

File:BBC PE title.jpg
How the people film these animals and how they were able to capture this footage is extrordinary! I like how that they could film the animals without being up close due to special tactics (great lens, great film crew). I also liked where they didn't inerfere with the animals if something happened such as a lion attacking a zebra because it is part of the chain, but will interfere if it doesn't affect anything major, like freeing a penguin in the ice. The technology used sounded amazing, from the failure of the micro light to using special lens to see something nearly 1000ft away and being able to make it look like it was up close. This Planet Earth background stuff sounds great.

Commented on this blog: Trevor

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What Would You Do Differently??

There are only 30 school days left in this school year. Are your grades where you want them to be?
They could be higher but besides that, I am fine with my grades. I do wish that I could get my PreCal grade a letter higher (which it is close on), but besides that, it is fine.
Looking back over the past year, what could/would you do differently?
I would have NOT taken PreCal/Trig as one class and taken them as two classes.
Would you stay on top of your homework, stop procrastinating?
I doubt it. I can typically do my homework at school before it is due or I will make a point to do it and finish it.
Or are you happy with the outcome of this year?
I am happy with the year, but wish I could go back in time and convince myself about PreCal/Trig.

Commented on this blog: Jonathan

Note: The picture is hyperlinked.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Deadly House Fire

They do not know the cause of the fire, but they do know that there was only one, non-working smoke detector in the house. According to the International Property Maintenance Code, smoke alarms are required on the ceiling or wall outside each separate sleeping area, in each room used for sleeping purposes and on each and story of the property. Do you think that the home-owner should be held liable since this was a rental house?
First, this fire sadly killed 9 people, which is extremely sad. Second, I feel that the home owners are at fault for the deaths because they didn't install enough fire detectors. I feel that the home owner should pay for the lives that have been lost due to this horrific fire. I mean both in a civil case for the damages and pay and a criminal trial for the nine lives that have been lost due to this fire. In the criminal case, the home owner, as I can see, can easily be charged with 9 counts of manslaughter, which when added up, can basically be life in prison.

I commented on this blog: Sam

Spring Break Blog

Are you going somewhere or doing something special? Tell me all about it.
This spring break will be much more different than most that I have had. First, it is over my birthday! :-) Second, I am going to be on vacation to Myrtle Beach. At Myrtle Beach, I will be staying at The Dunes with some of my family going as well. I might go see the new movie, The Hunger Games, since I have enjoyed the books alot. During Easter, I will probably be with family because we always have an event going on. Besides that, this spring break will be nothing but resting, being a couch potato. I really am looking forward to this spring break for two reasons. One, I can catch up on my sleep. And two, I feel that it would be fun, but hopefully not tiring fun. Hope everyone that reads this has a good spring break too!

I commented on this blog: Austin

Monday, March 19, 2012

Robert Bales

What do you think about this?
I feel that this guy may have been a hidden ticking time bomb and exploded onto 16 Afghans.
Do you think it had to do we something about him not being promoted?
It may be a litttle, but no enough to cause him to kill 16 people at random.
Or do you think that it was something else?
I feel that since he was 38 and was forced to be deployed again, he knew that he was going to be gone for awhile and missed his family alot. Because of this home sickness, he became depressed, and with some anger that he carried with him, he decided that if he can't be happy, nobody can. So he went on to kill 16 Afghans.
What caused him to go to these extremes?
I feel that it is a mix of depression and anger towards the government.
Give you opinion on the situtation.
He will be tried in a military court and will be sentenced to death for his crimes.

Commented on this post: Jonathan

Highschool Dropout

Did you realize that 1 out of 4 students do not get a diploma in 4 years?
Actually, to me, it is no surprise because of many reasons. Working opportunities and a better pay than now can easily cause a student to decide to drop out.
In his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama encouraged states to pass laws to require students to stay in school until they graduate or they turn 18. What do you think of this?
I feel that this is complete bull crap. I don't care what the president wants. For some students, it is better to drop out than to stay in school and learn about stuff that is doubtful to be in anyway related with their field of work.
Will such a law help with the dropout rate?
It will probably help with the drop out rate, but that doesn't matter. This goal of 90% kids graduate is nuts. I feel that if 80% graduate, that would be wonderful.
What do you think could be done to encourage students to stay in school and graduate?
Promises, not opportunities, to go to a great college. For example, in UK, if you do very well in a certain test, you have a free pass to Oxford University. The US needs something like that because without that, I doubt the graduating rate will get much higher than 80%.

Commented on this post: Austin

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Password Protected?

What are your thoughts on this?
From what I can see, I feel that the girl shouldn't have given the information. Also, I feel that this is illegal for the school to do this.
Should the school administration be able to make you give up your password to any account?
No. Only if there is a physical threat to someone specifically. For example, "I will stab Mr. *NAME HERE* because of a bad grade" is something serious enough to get the passwords of where it was posted.
What about e-mail, tweets, and Facebook postings?
Again, only if it is a threat. Because of the Tinker case, students actually have rights.
Should a school punish you for "inappropriate" postings?
Inappropriate, no. Possibly causing physical harm, yes.

Commented on this post: Garret

Monday, March 12, 2012

Unhappiest States

What is it?
This is a statistic that shows that West Virginia is the unhappiest state in the United States.
Is this a fair judgement call?
I feel that with what was used in the statistic, that this may be a fair call, but they don't see what is in the state as fun.
Do YOU feel super unhappy here?
Not really. The only things that would make me feel unhappy would be personal, and not related with where I live.
What can the government or us as citizens do to impove conditions?
I feel that with what is being used as a statistic, there isn't much, unless the government gave everyone that works $20,000.

Commented on this post: Austin

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Obama's Nanny

Picture of woman being talked about in her apartment in Indonesia.
Why is this woman a outcast?
She is considered an outcast because she is a transgender (in this case, a physical male who wants to be a female). Transgenders are being considered outcasts because in stricter Islamic divisions, they view transgenders as evil because they feel that all humans, with their genders, have their own purpose.
Do you think she should be an outcast?
No, because it isn't someone can control, how someone feels their gender is.
If you were her, would you be afraid?
Yes, because of the threats that has been recieved by her and others of her. Also, if I had experienced what she had seen, especially with her friend, I would be scared really bad.

Commented on this post: Jacob

Monday, March 5, 2012

Last Txt Before Dying blog

If you drive, do you text while you are driving?
No. I find that crazy to do something so stupid, even if the person is smart.
If you do not drive, do your parents text while driving?
Typically no, but I do catch my mom either texting or emailing when stopped, and would continue when the light turned green.
Do you think that is a good idea?
I feel that texting while driving is a very stupid, no matter who is doing it.
Do you think that there should be a law against texting while driving?
Of course. If there isn't, there needs one, NOW!!! It doesn't matter if the state has a "distracted driving" law in effect, there needs to be one just about texting.
But you are good at texting, right? and this could never happen to your or your family...really?
Of course not. The people that this affects, it could happen to ANYONE!!! *sigh* It can just happen to anybody.

Commented on this post: Garret

Monday, February 27, 2012

Chardon High School Suffers From Shooting

"Glock 17" Self-loading Pistol
How do you feel about the situation?
I feel that this situation is depressing that this has to happen to our lives.
What would you have done to prevent this from happening?
As a student, it almost feels that us as a student cannot do anything about this except run if this happens. I feel that at the school, Chardon High School, and the shooting itself, sometimes couldn't be stopped because of what happens at the school that nobody seems to care about (mainly bullying).
What if this happened at our school?
I feel that it would be somewhat surprising, but not too surprising because in a group of one thousand kids, there always seems to be one person that can be classified as criminally insane. I would fear for myself because of my lack of running fast enough to run from the gunman.

P.S. I am sorry if this image may be too "close" to what happened, mainly because that for all I know, this could have been the gun used. I don't know, but sorry if the image is considered disturbing.

Commented on this post: Austin

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What's with the weather

The Sun by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - 20100819.jpg
What is up with the weather? It is supposed to be 70 degress tomorrow, February 23,2012.
It is just really warm this year. To me, it is just depressing because I like the snow and cool weather.
Why is the weather so warm this winter?
I think that since this is El Nino (a weather thing) made this area drier and warmer than normal.
Do you think that there will be ramifications this summer?
I doubt it. I feel that in a few winters, it may be wetter and colder because of the opposite, La Nina.
Will it be extremely hot or extremely rainy or will it be really cold?
I think that it will be hot and somewhat drier than normal this summer, but only time can tell at this point.

Commented on this post: Brittney

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

High School Students Paid for Attendance

What are your thoughts on being paid to go to school?
Personally, I feel that the idea is good, but the problem is that the funds for the payin will dry out and this will end.
Do you think this plan will work or fail?
For the short run, it will work, but in five years, I will doubt that this would be in the school.
Explain your reasoning.
The funds, especially since they are partly from donations, will dry out and then there will be no money to give to students.
What would you do if our school had this policy?
I would personally have no change because I am typically already here daily.
Explain some advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages are that there will be 100% or 95% attendance and that less kids would skip the day. A disadvantage is less money for the school to upgrade stuff.

This is the school's website : Dohn Community High School
This is a link about American money: Money

I commented on this post: Caitlin

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tablet VS Laptop VS Desktop Blog

With so many different tablets on the market, where do you think the future of computers is going?
I feel that the only thing at risk of not being useful is the netbook, which is a smaller laptop. Also at risk is the eReader, because of the tablet.
Do you think that the tablet will be taking over, or will the laptop win out, and what about the old stable desktop?
I feel that they will coexist together, because each have their own flaws. For example, desktops aren't portable at all, but typically have better hardware compared to the others. The laptop is the middle person, with middle portability and middle hardware. The tablet has the lowest amount of hardware, with low hard drive space, but is the most portable.
Are there any advantages with a tablet, what about disadvantages?
Tablets are much more portable than the others, and will probably replace netbooks and eReaders.
Do a little reseach and tell me which tablet is the top selling.
The top selling tablet now is, ignoring biases with the source, is the Asus Transformer Prime with 32 GB and 10.1 inch screen.
Please provide a link to where you found your data concerning this.

Commented on this post: Caitlin

"Unlimited" Data with AT&T Blog

File:AT&T logo.svg
Tell me what the article is all about?
To me, it sounds like AT&T is throttling, or purposly slowing down data usage for certain people.
What are your thought and opinions?
I actually don't mind it. Sometimes, I feel that the people's usage on cell phones are a little "extreme". I feel that typically, 2 gigabytes is enough for a person to use for a month.
Is your cell phone carrier AT&T? If so, has this impacted you?
My cell phone carrier is AT&T. It hasn't affected me because of two things. One, I don't us an iPhone, so I couldn't get an unlimited plan. I have almost used up all of my data for a month though (my data plan is 2 gigabytes), and they sent me text messages about me being almost to my limt (I think it said it was 500 megabytes to the limit).

I have commented on this blog: Austin

Monday, February 6, 2012

Problems at Apple? Blog

What are your thoughts?
This is very bad for the image of Apple. Even though that this happenes at almost every technology company, such as Samsung and Sony, this is still bad because of the image Apple has given itself.
Did you know that this was going on?
It isn't too surprising, but I didn't know the details of what has happened.
How many Apple products do you own?
Now, I "own" one, but I don't use it because I just don't want to use it.
Does this information change your view of Apple?
No. I have already viewed Apple and most of their users as either "I'm too good for you because you don't have any Apple products", "I am a whiny teenage boy/girl", or "Look at me, I use Apple products".

Commented on this post: Austin

If You Could Vote Blog

What are your thoughts on what President Obama has said?
I think that what Obama had said in the Today interview is as expected with an interview at this time of the term. The term is about to end, and he is giving an interview on his hopeful plans and what he feels he wants done before he is outed, if he becomes a one term election.
What do you think that his comment "You get better as time goes on"?
I feel that the comment is true. At first, the president want to do so much, but can't, which makes him look worse than what his presidency actually is.
If you could vote (and some of you can) would you vote for him and give him another chance?
I would for two reasons. One, if I were to vote Republican, it would be for Ron Paul, and he won't win the nomination. Second, I feel that he has good plans for the future.

I have commented on this blog: Austin

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Self Direction Blog

How do you keep yourself on track?
I set myself what I want done, and I do it.

Do you find it hard to stay on task every day?
No, mainly because I know that this may take time and I want time to do details.
Are you looking ahead and creating yourself a timeline so that you finish your game on time?
I am looking ahead, but I haven't made a timeline. I probably wouldn't check it and I use my paper prototype more than the timeline, because the paper prototype has both the drawing plan and the
What is the hardest part of being self-directed?
Actually doing it and trying the best not to procrastinate. Since this is on the internet, I feel that the procrastination is strong because of online games.

I commented on this blog: Austin

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Writing a Rich Blog (Defending NASCAR)

If you haven't noticed, I like NASCAR.
Alot. I mean, it is almost sad about how much I like NASCAR. To most people, it seems that many people think of NASCAR as the redneck sport or as not even a sport. I have to defend my favorite sport, so I would typically say something about being stuck in a car, going around 180MPH,  at each turn having 700 to 800 lb of force onto you for 3 to possibly 4 hours. The redneck part is hard to defend, because it got their roots from cars driving away from police during the prohibition era with their moonshine or their bathtub liquor with them.

Now, a race can actually be considered a family event. It may be somewhat redneck, but how redneck can it be if it is the second most popular sport, only behind the NFL? Exactly.

About Rich Blogs

What is a "rich" blog?
A rich blog is a blog that, with the topic, shows easy ways to look up more information about the topic.
What makes up a "rich" blog?
The blog would typically have things such as links and pictures. The blog would also have information about the topic.
Why should your blogs be "rich"?
A blog should be rich because this gives the user the ability to easily see a crediable link to learn more about the topic. Also, it would look more appealing to see pictures and other items than seeing just text.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


What are SOPA and PIPA?
SOPA and PIPA are two bills currently in the House and Senate respectively.
What do the acronyms stand for and what are SOPA and PIPA trying to do?
SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPA stands for Protect IP Act. They are to stop piracy to files such as getting to watch a movie before it is released
Do you agree with what they are trying to do? Why or why not?
I absolutely hate this. It is not just the fact that this act is attacking the internet (which it is), it is because this stuff is being voted on people that avreage their age to 68 years old. 68!!! There needs to be people in Congress that actually knows how to use a smart phone, not someone like my grandmother voting for a bill that wouldn't affect them much, but would hurt most of the general population.
If you do not agree, what is another way to stop all the piracy that goes on?
Take away proxy servers that allow people to hide their IP adresses and mabye NOT MAKING IT EASY TO FIND THESE ITEMS!!!!

Commented on this blog: NAME HERE

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thoughts on the Class

Tell me what you think about this class.
I think that this class is better than some other classes because of its self direction. I feel that Globaloria as a whole teaches much more than flash, but it shows more "real world" aspects that is used, mostly the self pacing and doing the work with only a final date, and not step by step dates.
How has your perception of this class changed since the beginning of the year.
I am liking the class more and more as the year contuinues on. It is fun, I know people in here, and it is fun to learn about something that I could do in the future.
Do you think this class is hard/easy? Why?
I feel that this class, if you know what to do, is easy. If you get stuck, use the interwebs and look up the answer, because it is doubtful that you were the first with the problem.

What is one thing that you really like about this class?
I like the topic. To me, Flash is a good topic to teach when before this, the main 2 programs that is used in the school was Java and HTML.

What is one thing that you really dislike about this class?
Sometimes, these blogs get annoying. It is okay when it is a Monday, and you don't want to code, so you just use this as a procrastination tool. But if I want to code so I don't forget to put it in the game, and I see that this is up, then this just gets put back to last minute, and I lose points.

Commented on this post: Austin