Wednesday, January 18, 2012


What are SOPA and PIPA?
SOPA and PIPA are two bills currently in the House and Senate respectively.
What do the acronyms stand for and what are SOPA and PIPA trying to do?
SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPA stands for Protect IP Act. They are to stop piracy to files such as getting to watch a movie before it is released
Do you agree with what they are trying to do? Why or why not?
I absolutely hate this. It is not just the fact that this act is attacking the internet (which it is), it is because this stuff is being voted on people that avreage their age to 68 years old. 68!!! There needs to be people in Congress that actually knows how to use a smart phone, not someone like my grandmother voting for a bill that wouldn't affect them much, but would hurt most of the general population.
If you do not agree, what is another way to stop all the piracy that goes on?
Take away proxy servers that allow people to hide their IP adresses and mabye NOT MAKING IT EASY TO FIND THESE ITEMS!!!!

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