Monday, February 27, 2012

Chardon High School Suffers From Shooting

"Glock 17" Self-loading Pistol
How do you feel about the situation?
I feel that this situation is depressing that this has to happen to our lives.
What would you have done to prevent this from happening?
As a student, it almost feels that us as a student cannot do anything about this except run if this happens. I feel that at the school, Chardon High School, and the shooting itself, sometimes couldn't be stopped because of what happens at the school that nobody seems to care about (mainly bullying).
What if this happened at our school?
I feel that it would be somewhat surprising, but not too surprising because in a group of one thousand kids, there always seems to be one person that can be classified as criminally insane. I would fear for myself because of my lack of running fast enough to run from the gunman.

P.S. I am sorry if this image may be too "close" to what happened, mainly because that for all I know, this could have been the gun used. I don't know, but sorry if the image is considered disturbing.

Commented on this post: Austin

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What's with the weather

The Sun by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - 20100819.jpg
What is up with the weather? It is supposed to be 70 degress tomorrow, February 23,2012.
It is just really warm this year. To me, it is just depressing because I like the snow and cool weather.
Why is the weather so warm this winter?
I think that since this is El Nino (a weather thing) made this area drier and warmer than normal.
Do you think that there will be ramifications this summer?
I doubt it. I feel that in a few winters, it may be wetter and colder because of the opposite, La Nina.
Will it be extremely hot or extremely rainy or will it be really cold?
I think that it will be hot and somewhat drier than normal this summer, but only time can tell at this point.

Commented on this post: Brittney

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

High School Students Paid for Attendance

What are your thoughts on being paid to go to school?
Personally, I feel that the idea is good, but the problem is that the funds for the payin will dry out and this will end.
Do you think this plan will work or fail?
For the short run, it will work, but in five years, I will doubt that this would be in the school.
Explain your reasoning.
The funds, especially since they are partly from donations, will dry out and then there will be no money to give to students.
What would you do if our school had this policy?
I would personally have no change because I am typically already here daily.
Explain some advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages are that there will be 100% or 95% attendance and that less kids would skip the day. A disadvantage is less money for the school to upgrade stuff.

This is the school's website : Dohn Community High School
This is a link about American money: Money

I commented on this post: Caitlin

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tablet VS Laptop VS Desktop Blog

With so many different tablets on the market, where do you think the future of computers is going?
I feel that the only thing at risk of not being useful is the netbook, which is a smaller laptop. Also at risk is the eReader, because of the tablet.
Do you think that the tablet will be taking over, or will the laptop win out, and what about the old stable desktop?
I feel that they will coexist together, because each have their own flaws. For example, desktops aren't portable at all, but typically have better hardware compared to the others. The laptop is the middle person, with middle portability and middle hardware. The tablet has the lowest amount of hardware, with low hard drive space, but is the most portable.
Are there any advantages with a tablet, what about disadvantages?
Tablets are much more portable than the others, and will probably replace netbooks and eReaders.
Do a little reseach and tell me which tablet is the top selling.
The top selling tablet now is, ignoring biases with the source, is the Asus Transformer Prime with 32 GB and 10.1 inch screen.
Please provide a link to where you found your data concerning this.

Commented on this post: Caitlin

"Unlimited" Data with AT&T Blog

File:AT&T logo.svg
Tell me what the article is all about?
To me, it sounds like AT&T is throttling, or purposly slowing down data usage for certain people.
What are your thought and opinions?
I actually don't mind it. Sometimes, I feel that the people's usage on cell phones are a little "extreme". I feel that typically, 2 gigabytes is enough for a person to use for a month.
Is your cell phone carrier AT&T? If so, has this impacted you?
My cell phone carrier is AT&T. It hasn't affected me because of two things. One, I don't us an iPhone, so I couldn't get an unlimited plan. I have almost used up all of my data for a month though (my data plan is 2 gigabytes), and they sent me text messages about me being almost to my limt (I think it said it was 500 megabytes to the limit).

I have commented on this blog: Austin

Monday, February 6, 2012

Problems at Apple? Blog

What are your thoughts?
This is very bad for the image of Apple. Even though that this happenes at almost every technology company, such as Samsung and Sony, this is still bad because of the image Apple has given itself.
Did you know that this was going on?
It isn't too surprising, but I didn't know the details of what has happened.
How many Apple products do you own?
Now, I "own" one, but I don't use it because I just don't want to use it.
Does this information change your view of Apple?
No. I have already viewed Apple and most of their users as either "I'm too good for you because you don't have any Apple products", "I am a whiny teenage boy/girl", or "Look at me, I use Apple products".

Commented on this post: Austin

If You Could Vote Blog

What are your thoughts on what President Obama has said?
I think that what Obama had said in the Today interview is as expected with an interview at this time of the term. The term is about to end, and he is giving an interview on his hopeful plans and what he feels he wants done before he is outed, if he becomes a one term election.
What do you think that his comment "You get better as time goes on"?
I feel that the comment is true. At first, the president want to do so much, but can't, which makes him look worse than what his presidency actually is.
If you could vote (and some of you can) would you vote for him and give him another chance?
I would for two reasons. One, if I were to vote Republican, it would be for Ron Paul, and he won't win the nomination. Second, I feel that he has good plans for the future.

I have commented on this blog: Austin

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Self Direction Blog

How do you keep yourself on track?
I set myself what I want done, and I do it.

Do you find it hard to stay on task every day?
No, mainly because I know that this may take time and I want time to do details.
Are you looking ahead and creating yourself a timeline so that you finish your game on time?
I am looking ahead, but I haven't made a timeline. I probably wouldn't check it and I use my paper prototype more than the timeline, because the paper prototype has both the drawing plan and the
What is the hardest part of being self-directed?
Actually doing it and trying the best not to procrastinate. Since this is on the internet, I feel that the procrastination is strong because of online games.

I commented on this blog: Austin