Friday, December 2, 2011

Sound it Out Blog

How do you plan to use sound in your game?
In the game, it will be with background music and whenever you click a button, it will make a certain sound. The background sound will probably be in the title sequence.
How will it help enhance the game play and learning experience of your game?
It will enhance because it gives the ear something to do. The sound will keep the player alert if they think the game is boring, because it keeps their brain doing stuff. Also, I might just play a little bit and have some funky sounds.
File:Sine waves different frequencies.svg
I can't find anything else to put a link on, so I will link to a game that I thought was fun to play.  Ayiti: The Cost of Life

Commented on this status: NAME HERE

Assembling your Demo

Do you think you've learned more about your game topic in the process of making this demo?
Actually, yes. I feel as if I have learned more ablout my topic while doing my demo.
If so, what have you learned and why do you think you've acquired this new knowledge? If not, why not?
I have learned that my topic primary scene seems more like geometry than trigonometry, without the rest of the game with it. This was acquired while thinking about my game. 
File:Square root of 2 triangle.svg
In what ways do you feel you have taken the process of learning into your own hands?
I feel that my game, because of my topic, needs some self teaching so I can understand what I should say to the audience through the game when they are playing it.
How can you improve your self-learning skills in the future?
I can do more research on my topic during my free time.

I commented on this status: Austin

Friday, November 25, 2011


What are your Thanksgiving plans?
I am planning to go to Oglebay Park in Wheeling WV, go home, eat Thanksgiving lunch/dinner at my aunt's house, go Black Friday shopping because I am crazy, then lay aroung until Monday.
Does your family do the same thing or go to the same place every year, in other words, do you have a Thanksgiving tradition?
We always go to Oglebay Park and always go with my dad's family for dinner.
What does your family eat for Thanksgiving?
We eat almost anything that seems typical. Pie, mashed potatos, turkey, ham, green beans, rolls, ect.
You would be surprised, not everyone eats turkey.
Honestly, I eat more ham than turkey this Thanksgiving.
What will you do with your extra 3 days off?
Be happy. That is it, just be happy and probably sleep in.

Commented on: Caitlin

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wizard of Oz Munchkin

Image: Karl Slover 
Why do you think that Karl's father did those things to him?
He probably thought that his son would be a worthless son, due to his stature.
Why do you think it was important to his father that Karl be taller?
He probably thought it would be better for him to be taller.
If you were his father, what would you have done?
I wouldn't have done that and hope he would be fine.
What if you had been Karl?
I would have ran away and probably joined the circus due to a lack of employment.
How would you react to the way he was treated?
I would be apaulled to what happened to Karl.
Status posted on: Caitlin

Adding Scenes

Choose at least one Flash topic that you plan on using in your final game.
I will use mouse input in my game.
Describe how you are going to use it.
I will use it to press buttons and to click on other stuff in the game.
Reflect on the learning value of your game.
It will teach the player about trigonometry and especially right triangle trigonometry.File:Trigonometry triangle.svg
Does it do a good job of teaching your topic?
Personally, I think so.
How could you improve it?
When I make the game, I could get some adice from peers.

Commmented on this post: Austin

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Robotic Dog

What would be the advantages of having a robotic seeing eye dog versus having a real dog?
I think that the robotic dog wouldn't be distracted by stuff like a ball or a squirrel.
Would there be any?
Yes, because the dog would be distracted while the robot wouldn't.
What about the disadvantages?
The robot is too limited onto what it can do while a real dog can do almost anything.
Would there be any disadvantages?
Yes, because the robot has too many limits and might bug out when trying to do something.
If you had to have a seeing eye dog, would you rather have a robotic one or a real one?
I would rather have a real dog because the robot, with my luck, would bug out and the computer inside of the robot dog become crashed.

I commented on this blog: NAME HERE

Developing Your Primary Scene

Choose at least one Flash topic that you plan on using in your final game.
I am planning to use keyboard control. It will be used to move the person when playing.
Describe how you are going to use it.
I am going to have the player move a character in the game using the keyboard.
Reflect on the learning value of your game.
It teaches basic right triangle trigonometry, which would be needed in Physics.
Does it do a good job of teaching your topic?
I would say yes, but I would need someone else to see if it actually teaches.
How could you improve it?
Making the character in the game less "Stick figury"

I commented on this person's blog: NAME HERE

Monday, November 7, 2011

Drawing a Scene Blog

What I learned recently is how difficult it is to make a game on something besides history or Civics. This explains why I am the only person in my class that is doing a STEM game. I learned this because I saw that all of the games on the Playing to learn area seem to be civics. This helps motivate me because it makes me want my game to be that much better.

I commented on this blog: Caitlin

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blind Runner

What is Stargardt's disease?
Stargardt's disease is a disease in which someone loses their vision permanently.
How do you 'get' it?
It is a heredity disease, so the parents must have been carriers of the disease. It is a hereditary form of  macular degeneration, which is loss of vision for older people who lack vitamin D.
If this happened to you, would you be able to run again?
I doubt it. First I need to run, let alone do it after going blind.
Would you be able to put enough trust in your dog to run blind?
No. I just doubt that I would even try, espically if the dog gets distracted.

I commented on this blog: Caitlin

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blind Marching Band

What are your thoughts about this band?
I think that it is wonderful that a completely blind marching band can pay so well.
How do you think they learned to play?
The kids would have to have either learned by just hearing the note or someone helping the with fingering and when they need to play their instrument.
How do you think that they learn new songs?
They pick up with messing with the notes until they get the right one, then continue.

I comment on his person's blog: Caitlin

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Imagine Your Game

WHO are you designing your game for? (Include the player's age, abilities, and prior knowledge of your topic.)
My game is for someone around my age or older (15-18) who knows how to operate a computer and has little knowledge about my topic.
WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? (Be specific!)
It will teach Basic Trigonometry, mostly right triangle trigonometry.
WHERE does your game happen? Describe the world you will design for your game.
It will happen in present day and will be in a place (hasn't been decided yet)
How will this setting add to the learning experience?
It will give a real world feeling to the game.
HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic?
It teaches that is is a subject and not imaginary.
What happens in the world that helps the player learn?
It has the player having to do work and study for a big test, but uses a side scrolling format.
How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game?
They can get to the later levels by passing certain things
WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz?
This actually teaches the player the subject

I have commented on Austin's blog

Friday, October 7, 2011

Blind Adventurer

If this were you, would you take the experimental drug? Why or why not?
I would, because if it would work on me, then I would be able to see again, which I think is tough not to see. If you were to lose a sense, would you rather lose your sight, hearing, speech, or your ability to smell? Why?
I would rather lose smell, because half the time, I can't smell anythingunless it is a strong smell.

I commented on this person's blog post: Austin

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Choosing your Topic

Well, I am choosing my topic. It is about Right Triangle Trigonometry, which I had recntly done in my precal/trig class. My sources are as follows: begining, how it is written, and special triangles.

I commented on this blog: Caitlin

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Me bored on Blogger

Well, I am dissapointed about the epic loss that happened to WVU football against LSU. It was suppose to be closer, like last year, but it just couldn't happen. Oh well. I am happy for Jeff Gordon, since he moved 6 positions from 11th in the Chase for the Sprint Cup to 5th. Lets go...... MOUNTAINEERS!!!!!!!

Playing to Learn

1) What did you learn from your choice of games and genres to review?
I learned that stragety might be a good genre while anything sports seem to typically not do well in the learning aspect of the games. 
2) Name any game features that stood out to you, either because they were interesting or because they could be improved.
In Atiyi, I felt that th background and game play need to be the same for every playthrough.
3) Write down any questions you have about the game or genre you chose.
What is the perfect genre for a game that includes learning?

I commented on this blog: Austin's blog

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Mini Game

At first, it was somewhat hard to make a mini game because I am used to Java from my Computer Science class, and this is a completely different computer language. After a little bit, it got much easier, until I had to make my own game. I forgot what to do, so I just copied and pasted my code from my first mini game to my new mini game. The best part is that I feel good that when I see my game, I feel happy about what I did. The worst part is making the shapes. To me, it is tough to make shapes using my mouse because I don't have a steady hand.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Single Story

1) What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?
A single story is what people think of a certain area.
2) Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community?
One story is that we all are a bunch of single tooth hillbillies. The fact is that we are not like that. We are just like any other city our size in the United States. 
3)Describe a single story you have heard about another community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about that community?
Well, a single story that I have heard is that the kids at South Charleston High School are all poor druggies. I heard of this during the hype before the big GW vs. SC game earlier this year. To learn the truth, I could just ask a friend that goes there and see what he thinks. 
4) How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community?
A game can let people see that one community isn't what the single story is about.

I have read this persons blog: Caitlin

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meeting Flash

Yesterday, we started flash, finally. We have done nothing except play aroung for almost a week, which was fun, but I just seemed boring near the end. In meet flash, we basically made objects move. I know this seems boring, but when you do it, it makes you happy that you just did that. I liked it, but I am also taking another computer course that uses a different script (Java), so it might be confusing for me, but I will get used to the two scripts and eventually be able to seperate commands from Java and Flash. Also, completely not related, GO JEFF GORDON!!!!!!!!! I hope he wins the championship and dethrone five time champion Jimmie Johnson.
I have comment on this persons blog: Hunter

Friday, September 9, 2011


Today is Friday (YAY!!!!) and I am leaving today to go to a WVU football game that is Saturday. I'm excited to go, even though it would be just me and my aunt. It'll be fine though.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Messing with my blog

Well, this is my first post on my blog, and I don't know what to post. I could post a random picture that I like. Maybe I could write something in a different font. I just don't know. Well, I'll do the basics with what this blog is about. This blog is for my wiki page for Globaloria. So far, it is a fun class, mainly because it is rather easy because we haven't gotten to anything hard yet (making games). With what my teacher is saying (Ms. Kail), this reminds me of the CAT class in the book "Stay Fat for Sarah Byrnes". Ms. Kail has said three times in the last two days about this and the wiki is for expressing yourself, which just reminds me about that class in the book because they were able to freely speek in the book, without worrying about what another teacher hears. Anyway, this is my first blog post, so if there is any critism about this (too many links, ect) don't bve too harsh.

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