If you drive, do you text while you are driving?
No. I find that crazy to do something so stupid, even if the person is smart.
If you do not drive, do your parents text while driving?
Typically no, but I do catch my mom either texting or emailing when stopped, and would continue when the light turned green.
Do you think that is a good idea?
I feel that texting while driving is a very stupid, no matter who is doing it.
Do you think that there should be a law against texting while driving?
Of course. If there isn't, there needs one, NOW!!! It doesn't matter if the state has a "distracted driving" law in effect, there needs to be one just about texting.
But you are good at texting, right? and this could never happen to your or your family...really?
Of course not. The people that this affects, it could happen to ANYONE!!! *sigh* It can just happen to anybody.
Commented on this post: Garret
Pretty much what I said, texting while driving is bad, but I still think that a law would be rather hard to enforce. I mean the people are not going to text with cops around, which is at most 5% of the time your driving. The other 95% of the time, they will still probably text. People are stubborn sometimes.