Did you realize that 1 out of 4 students do not get a diploma in 4 years?
Actually, to me, it is no surprise because of many reasons. Working opportunities and a better pay than now can easily cause a student to decide to drop out.
In his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama encouraged states to pass laws to require students to stay in school until they graduate or they turn 18. What do you think of this?
I feel that this is complete bull crap. I don't care what the president wants. For some students, it is better to drop out than to stay in school and learn about stuff that is doubtful to be in anyway related with their field of work.
Will such a law help with the dropout rate?
It will probably help with the drop out rate, but that doesn't matter. This goal of 90% kids graduate is nuts. I feel that if 80% graduate, that would be wonderful.
What do you think could be done to encourage students to stay in school and graduate?
Promises, not opportunities, to go to a great college. For example, in UK, if you do very well in a certain test, you have a free pass to Oxford University. The US needs something like that because without that, I doubt the graduating rate will get much higher than 80%.
Commented on this post: Austin
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