Monday, March 25, 2013


Art for The Blind
What do you think of this? Do you think art can be experienced with other senses than the eyes?

I feel that this is pretty cool. Teaching someone what something is through touch is always an interesting teaching subject. It is easier with other items, like turing on a faucet and letting a blind person feel water, than with a varied amount of solid objects. A possible problem is that if the art used isn't realistic, then the person may confuse something else it touches with the familiar art piece that they touched. It is cool, but unless it is realistic, ineffective. I feel that art can easily be shown through other senses, such as music, certain smells, some tastes, and feeling some things can all be considered art. Baking could be considered an art, and it would produce almost every sense except it would not have any artistic sound, but maybe some music can be added to make baking involve all the senses.

An overall link for this would be this: Teaching the blind.

I commented on this blog: Maxwell

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