Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This Week In Pictures

Write me a blog post about this picture and give me some additional information about what is going on. (NOT just what is written about the picture.) Include as your link a web site where you found additional information on this subject.

The Kansas City restraunt explosion is what I will do this blog on. In this, an employee for a contractor accidently busted a natural gas pipe, which with an unknown spark that happened inside of the building, caused a popular restaurant to explode. So far, one person is dead, and it seems that that will be the only death. The restaurant was evacuated beforehand because the smell of gas was strong enough to alarm the contractor's employees. These employees told the restaurant's employees to evacuate the building, because of the inherent danger. The restaurant didn't close completely though, with employees inside. The employees turned all restaurant equipment off, due to the danger though. The building was leveled to roughly 3-4 feet of rubble.

I commented on this blog: Jonah

1 comment:

  1. Well, Robbie, Your comments on this photo really help make a worthy caption as to what is happening. Good Work.
