Monday, February 25, 2013


What is this "sequestration" all about? What will this mean to most people? What area will be cut and how will the cuts be handled?

This sequestration is basically a new set of budget cuts that will take in effect. It will cause a loss in federal jobs (Around 750,000) and will save the economy $85 billion, which is barely more than the peak military budget in WWII. Thuis means that everything that people use, aviation, tax returns, court cases, and social security will take longer to happen, causing delays. It will just cut a portion of the spending from different departments away from the department. Because of a lack of spending, jobs will be lost, and the unemployment rate will rise to probably around 8.1% or 8.2%. Overall, I feel that we need to have people in Congress that isn't as stubborn as a mule. We need people that won't be too stubborn to do the right decision, just because it will go against "party lines". Who cares if it goes against party lines. If it works out for the better, then all should be happy. Congress is so stubborn, that during a time of budget deficits, they wanted to give themselves A RAISE! They don't deserve a raise, and they don't deserve to represent us in Congress.

I commented on this blog: Ossama

1 comment:

  1. Well, Government is corrupt, and as long as they are happy, they could probably care less about how some people in the middle are doing.
