Monday, January 28, 2013

Weird Weather

We got out of school 3 hours early last Friday because of bad weather coming. Earlier in the week the temperatures had been in the single digits with the wind chill hovering near 0! Tomorrow (Tuesday 1/29/13) the temperature is supposed to be near 70, with snow expected again this Friday!!! Why is the weather having such crazy temperature swings?What do you think is happening? Do you believe in global warming?

These temprature swings are something. I can't tell what, maybe global warming, maybe just an anomaly, but whatever it is, it needs to stop. I like it when it is a 28 degree high and a 13 degree low, and stay like that for a week. It may seem too cold for people accustomed to warmer weather, but oh well. This winter is getting my natural clock out of sync, with it being in the teens one day and then in the 60s a few days later. Anyways, after Friday, it will level back to high 30's and low 40's, so that will be nice. This upcomming weather, I hope, will stay consistant. To answer the last question, yes, I do believe in global warming.

I commented on this blog: Ian

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