Monday, March 25, 2013


Art for The Blind
What do you think of this? Do you think art can be experienced with other senses than the eyes?

I feel that this is pretty cool. Teaching someone what something is through touch is always an interesting teaching subject. It is easier with other items, like turing on a faucet and letting a blind person feel water, than with a varied amount of solid objects. A possible problem is that if the art used isn't realistic, then the person may confuse something else it touches with the familiar art piece that they touched. It is cool, but unless it is realistic, ineffective. I feel that art can easily be shown through other senses, such as music, certain smells, some tastes, and feeling some things can all be considered art. Baking could be considered an art, and it would produce almost every sense except it would not have any artistic sound, but maybe some music can be added to make baking involve all the senses.

An overall link for this would be this: Teaching the blind.

I commented on this blog: Maxwell

Report Cards

You get report cards today. Are your grades where you want them to be? If not, what are your plans on changing this? What grade are you proudest of? What has been your hardest class this 9 weeks, which has been your easiest?

The one change I would want is to take my C's and make them into B's. It would boost my GPA, which would be nice to have, a higher GPA than what I have now. The grade I am the proudest has to be my art grade actually. It is a stupid class, but it is one of the few classes I actually have to do work in. Most of the other classes are classes that I can easily pretend to work, understand the material, and get a good grade on a test. For example, right now, I am typing a blog to kill time, not wanting to do any actual work. Anyways, the only classes I have to do real work that I can see is Art and Physics. In Physics, I can do almost nothing in class, but I still have to do other things to keep the grade I have. My hardest class is Globaloria, only because I have to force myself to work, even though I really just want to go home and relax. My easiest class has to be Engineering because we have no book work and we have been doing "projects" for awhile. Because the programs they use are not compatible with Wndows 7, I have almost done nothing in the class for a long while.

I commented on this post: Matthew

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bonus Blog: Sandra Day O'Connor

As a BONUS BLOG, tell me who Sandra Day O'Connor is, what things has she accomplished, and anything else important about her. What college did she graduate from, and what ranking was she? What was her first job?

Sandra Day O'Connor was an associate justice to the Supreme Court. She was the first woman to serve as a justice on the Supreme Court, starting in September 21, 1981. She retired from being a Supreme Court Judge on January 31, 2006, and was suceeded by Justice Samuel Alito. She attended Stanford University and in her high school at Austin High School in El Paso, she was 6th in her graduating class. After recieving her LL.B (Bachelor of Law) from Stanford, she was on Stanford's legal journal, Stanford Law Review, where she briefly dated valevictorian and future Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

Her first job was with San Mateo, California as the Deputy County Attorney, after being refused a job from at least 40 firms, because she was a woman. After being appointed to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan, she was a conservitive vote on most cases, but as time went on, she became the swing vote in many cases, but typically voted with the Republicans. Her last court opinion with the Supreme Court was with the case Ayotte v Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, which had an unamious vote.

Monday, March 18, 2013

This Week In Pictures, Part 2

In this picture, it shows Leslie Coyer laying on the ground infront of her older brother's grave marker. Her brother was Staff Sergeant Ryan Coyer, who did 6 tours of duty, two to Iraq and four to Afghanistan. He enlisted to the Army in 2004, and was placed in the 75th Rangers Regiment, being a US Army Ranger. Coyer was back to where his base was located, Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia, when he suddenly died of cardiac arrest, which is when the heart stops pumping blood.

The link is on the picture.

I commented on this blog: Brett

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3-D Computing

What do you think about this new computer? Do you think that it would be easy or hard to use? Do you think that these types of computers will become popular in the future?

I think that the idea is very cool. However, I feel that the idea is impractable and just costly. With how motion sensoring technology is currently (Kinect for the most part), this wouldn't work with. When looking at the Kinect, some games that primarily use the Kinect can't work because of how fast someone has to move, and the Kinect can't handle the fast movements (a great example of this is Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor). I feel that it would be difficult to use, especially for the elderly and people with motor skills disabilities. In the future, when technology catches up to our ideas, this may be a popular form of computing, but for now, it is just too unnessary.

I commented on this post: Austin