Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Final Game Vlog
This is my final Vlog for the year about my game. Have a good year!
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Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Problems with Game Making

What kinds of problems have you come across while creating your game? How did you solve them?
While creating my game, I have had a few problems. For example, when relating with a counter that I put into the game to make it harder, the screen changes don't like to happen. One major bug is that when you decide to go back to the title page instead of retrying, it refuses to continue from there. The way I fixed it was by removing the possibility of going back to the title. Instead, all you can do is retry the level.
I commented on this post: Quinton
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Combining .FLA Files
Describe your plan for combining the code created by different members of your team.
Because I am a one person team, I really don't have to worry about this. But, because I am using stuff I made and put in the Team Development Plan, I will talk about how I did that. Basically, I copied everything and pasted it in the correct places. Buttons were places in the button area, code in the action script area. It wasn't too hard, and in fact, quite easy. Other teams will have a problem, becuase their files are not on the same person's account and downloading .FLA or .SWF files from the Wiki is pointless (Trust me, I have tried).
I commented on this post: Ryan
Pseudocode and Commented Code
Use pseudocode to briefly explain a major section of your game.
The section I am going to describe with Pseudocode is the primary game scene. If player hits pamphlet1, then pamphlet1 goto (-250,300). If player hits wall1, player goto (75,75). If player hit pamphlet3, gotoAndPlay "NextScene". If player hits wall1, wall2, wall3, wall4, gotoAndPlay "Lose".
I commented on this post: David
Monday, April 22, 2013
Construct Code
What are the three most important things you always check for in your code when you have an error? Why? What is the most common cause of your errors or are have your errors been due to various reasons?
The three most important things I check for in my code when I have an error is that I have all of my parentheses (), curvy brackets {}, and that the instance name is correct. I check these first because these problems are the most common sources of error whenever I code. Either one of these problems is the culprit or something just isn't working the way I want it to work. These things that I have said before are the typical errors. The only other problem is something that isn't code related and has to do with placement of the various objects.
I commented on this post: Matthew
What is the most difficult concept to teach for your game topic? How are you finding tutorials and thinking about design to teach others this concept?
The most difficult concept to teach in my game is that you are in 2000. The time isn't when there are smartphones, 1 GB/s internet, or computers with over 500 GB in hard drive space. This was a time where AOL was huge, Bill Clinton was getting ready to leave office, and the St Louis Rams win the Super Bowl. I am afraid players will feel that they are in current times, and not what may seem like a far time ago, even though it was only 13 years ago. I am trying to get this across with subtle but hopefully effective placements of products such as a large "tube tv" and other items.
I commented on this post: Travis
Monday, April 15, 2013
In 10 Years...
Your thoughts??!! The article states "Most people realize they've changed in the past, but few expect to change in the future, a new study finds." The article has scientists explain why this is so, but why do you think this is so? Just for fun, what do you envision your life to be like in 10 years? What will you be doing - what job, will you be married, kids?
I feel that people don't want to change too much, and that the change that they have experienced in the past is the most amount of change they will experience, especially with changes in things such as appearance and personality. In 10 years, I honestly hope for a good amount of change. I want to be through most schooling, with the exception of getting a masters in something. I would like my job to be something related to engineering. I may be married, or just dating, or even single, but I just don't know for sure. I doubt that I would have kids by the time I am that age, but the possibility is still there. Anyways, I know that there will be a good amount of change, but I just don't know in what aspects.
I commented on this post: Matthew
Missouri Teachers + Guns
Your thoughts??!! Do you think that this is appropriate? The article says that it would take the Howell County Sheriff’s Department at least 15 minutes to respond to any trouble at Glenwood School and by having the teachers carrying guns the school could have immediate help - is this good or bad?
I feel that this could be either good or bad. It just depends on how you feel. I can easily see how this could be a bad descision (Teacher going nuts, student stealing the weapon, ect). At the same time though, I can see how this is a good thing (Quicker responce time to a crisis, no need for guards at the school, ect). Overall, I just don't know. I feel that all of these "gun safety" talks needs to die down greatly. People need to step back, and think about gun safety. I have no strong feelings towards the issue anymore, mainly because it is just dragging on without making any progress.
I commented on this post: Andy
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher died on Monday, April 8, 2013. Who was Margaret Thatcher? What was her nickname and why was she called this? Tell me something important that she did or caused.
Margaret Thatcher was the longest serving, and only female, prime minister for Great Britain for the 20th century, serving for 11 years. She also lead Great Britain's Conservative Party from 1975-1990. Her nickname was "Iron Lady" by a Soviet journalist because of the uncompromising politics she adopted. Her policies that she put into place is called Thatcherism. She enacted policies that deregulation, selling government industries to privatize them, and to reduce the power of trade unions. She died after having a stroke at The Ritz Hotel.
I commented on this post: Austin
Fox Reporter
Should the Fox News reporter have to reveal her confidential sources? Does it make a difference that people were killed?
I feel that Ms. Winter should disclose her source with where she got the news that Holmes gave a psychiatrist a notebook with violent pictures. I don't care where the source is from, but she should disclose her classified source. It honestly doesn't make much of a difference that people in the crime were killed. I feel that it is wrong if a media outlet has more information about a crime than the justice system. This piece of possible evidence could be key to locking up Holmes in either a jail or an asylum.
I commented on this post: Caitlin
Monday, March 25, 2013
What do you think of this? Do you think art can be experienced with other senses than the eyes?
I feel that this is pretty cool. Teaching someone what something is through touch is always an interesting teaching subject. It is easier with other items, like turing on a faucet and letting a blind person feel water, than with a varied amount of solid objects. A possible problem is that if the art used isn't realistic, then the person may confuse something else it touches with the familiar art piece that they touched. It is cool, but unless it is realistic, ineffective. I feel that art can easily be shown through other senses, such as music, certain smells, some tastes, and feeling some things can all be considered art. Baking could be considered an art, and it would produce almost every sense except it would not have any artistic sound, but maybe some music can be added to make baking involve all the senses.
An overall link for this would be this: Teaching the blind.
I commented on this blog: Maxwell
Report Cards
You get report cards today. Are your grades where you want them to be? If not, what are your plans on changing this? What grade are you proudest of? What has been your hardest class this 9 weeks, which has been your easiest?
The one change I would want is to take my C's and make them into B's. It would boost my GPA, which would be nice to have, a higher GPA than what I have now. The grade I am the proudest has to be my art grade actually. It is a stupid class, but it is one of the few classes I actually have to do work in. Most of the other classes are classes that I can easily pretend to work, understand the material, and get a good grade on a test. For example, right now, I am typing a blog to kill time, not wanting to do any actual work. Anyways, the only classes I have to do real work that I can see is Art and Physics. In Physics, I can do almost nothing in class, but I still have to do other things to keep the grade I have. My hardest class is Globaloria, only because I have to force myself to work, even though I really just want to go home and relax. My easiest class has to be Engineering because we have no book work and we have been doing "projects" for awhile. Because the programs they use are not compatible with Wndows 7, I have almost done nothing in the class for a long while.
I commented on this post: Matthew
Friday, March 22, 2013
Bonus Blog: Sandra Day O'Connor
As a BONUS BLOG, tell me who Sandra Day O'Connor is, what things has she accomplished, and anything else important about her. What college did she graduate from, and what ranking was she? What was her first job?
Sandra Day O'Connor was an associate justice to the Supreme Court. She was the first woman to serve as a justice on the Supreme Court, starting in September 21, 1981. She retired from being a Supreme Court Judge on January 31, 2006, and was suceeded by Justice Samuel Alito. She attended Stanford University and in her high school at Austin High School in El Paso, she was 6th in her graduating class. After recieving her LL.B (Bachelor of Law) from Stanford, she was on Stanford's legal journal, Stanford Law Review, where she briefly dated valevictorian and future Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
Her first job was with San Mateo, California as the Deputy County Attorney, after being refused a job from at least 40 firms, because she was a woman. After being appointed to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan, she was a conservitive vote on most cases, but as time went on, she became the swing vote in many cases, but typically voted with the Republicans. Her last court opinion with the Supreme Court was with the case Ayotte v Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, which had an unamious vote.
Monday, March 18, 2013
This Week In Pictures, Part 2
In this picture, it shows Leslie Coyer laying on the ground infront of her older brother's grave marker. Her brother was Staff Sergeant Ryan Coyer, who did 6 tours of duty, two to Iraq and four to Afghanistan. He enlisted to the Army in 2004, and was placed in the 75th Rangers Regiment, being a US Army Ranger. Coyer was back to where his base was located, Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia, when he suddenly died of cardiac arrest, which is when the heart stops pumping blood.
The link is on the picture.
I commented on this blog: Brett
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
3-D Computing
What do you think about this new computer? Do you think that it would be easy or hard to use? Do you think that these types of computers will become popular in the future?
I think that the idea is very cool. However, I feel that the idea is impractable and just costly. With how motion sensoring technology is currently (Kinect for the most part), this wouldn't work with. When looking at the Kinect, some games that primarily use the Kinect can't work because of how fast someone has to move, and the Kinect can't handle the fast movements (a great example of this is Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor). I feel that it would be difficult to use, especially for the elderly and people with motor skills disabilities. In the future, when technology catches up to our ideas, this may be a popular form of computing, but for now, it is just too unnessary.
I commented on this post: Austin
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
This Week In Pictures
Write me a blog post about this picture and give me some additional information about what is going on. (NOT just what is written about the picture.) Include as your link a web site where you found additional information on this subject.
The Kansas City restraunt explosion is what I will do this blog on. In this, an employee for a contractor accidently busted a natural gas pipe, which with an unknown spark that happened inside of the building, caused a popular restaurant to explode. So far, one person is dead, and it seems that that will be the only death. The restaurant was evacuated beforehand because the smell of gas was strong enough to alarm the contractor's employees. These employees told the restaurant's employees to evacuate the building, because of the inherent danger. The restaurant didn't close completely though, with employees inside. The employees turned all restaurant equipment off, due to the danger though. The building was leveled to roughly 3-4 feet of rubble.
I commented on this blog: Jonah
Monday, February 25, 2013
What is this "sequestration" all about? What will this mean to most people? What area will be cut and how will the cuts be handled?
This sequestration is basically a new set of budget cuts that will take in effect. It will cause a loss in federal jobs (Around 750,000) and will save the economy $85 billion, which is barely more than the peak military budget in WWII. Thuis means that everything that people use, aviation, tax returns, court cases, and social security will take longer to happen, causing delays. It will just cut a portion of the spending from different departments away from the department. Because of a lack of spending, jobs will be lost, and the unemployment rate will rise to probably around 8.1% or 8.2%. Overall, I feel that we need to have people in Congress that isn't as stubborn as a mule. We need people that won't be too stubborn to do the right decision, just because it will go against "party lines". Who cares if it goes against party lines. If it works out for the better, then all should be happy. Congress is so stubborn, that during a time of budget deficits, they wanted to give themselves A RAISE! They don't deserve a raise, and they don't deserve to represent us in Congress.
I commented on this blog: Ossama
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Spring Break
What are your plans for Spring Break, are you going somewhere, are you planning to sleep all week? If you could go anywhere and do anything, where would you go and what would you do?
What I am doing for spring break is, I have no clue. I am pretty sure that I am not doing much. I doubt that I am going out of state, but I may go somewhere nearby. Basically, I am just going to lay around, catch up on sleep, and so on. If I could, I would go to the beach. Someplace where it wouldn't be packed due to other Spring Breakers, but still have people there.
I commented on this blog: Michael
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Alabama Standoff
What are your thoughts on this situation? What do you think about the bus driver risking and losing his life? Why do you think that the man has kidnapped this little boy? How do you think the little boy is coping?
The situation is very sad. The kid seems to have been a random target, especially since it isn't who he wanted to take. The bus driver did a remarkable thing, sacraficing his life for two children. I think that the man kidnapped the boy because a mixture of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and because of possibly just being lonely, needing someone, in this case, a child that can help him. As I finish this, I know that the standoff ended in a good way. During the standoff, I think that the boy was worried, but tried to make the most of it, especially with the items he recieved while down there. Anyways, I hope that this experience doesn't cause too much damage to the child in the future.
I commented on this post: Ian
Monday, February 4, 2013
Flying Cars
Think of how far we have come in the last 100 years. Most people in 1913 would never have believed how things have changed. So, with this in mind, do you think that flying cars really will be common in the future? What do you think travel will look like 100 years from now?
Honestly, flying cars sounds cool, but we will get to that strage when I will be quite old. Maybe when I am 50, they start production, and then maybe when I am 75, they start becoming common. The problem is that they would have to be treated as airplanes. They shouldn't be thought as "flying cars" but instead as "drivable planes". Anyways, in 100 years, it is very possible we all would have vehicles that can fly, drive, and boat, depending on what you want. Anything is possible.
I commented on this post: Caitlin
Monday, January 28, 2013
Weird Weather
We got out of school 3 hours early last Friday because of bad weather coming. Earlier in the week the temperatures had been in the single digits with the wind chill hovering near 0! Tomorrow (Tuesday 1/29/13) the temperature is supposed to be near 70, with snow expected again this Friday!!! Why is the weather having such crazy temperature swings?What do you think is happening? Do you believe in global warming?
These temprature swings are something. I can't tell what, maybe global warming, maybe just an anomaly, but whatever it is, it needs to stop. I like it when it is a 28 degree high and a 13 degree low, and stay like that for a week. It may seem too cold for people accustomed to warmer weather, but oh well. This winter is getting my natural clock out of sync, with it being in the teens one day and then in the 60s a few days later. Anyways, after Friday, it will level back to high 30's and low 40's, so that will be nice. This upcomming weather, I hope, will stay consistant. To answer the last question, yes, I do believe in global warming.
I commented on this blog: Ian
Assembling Demo
Do you think you've learned more about your game topic in the process of making this demo? If so, what have you learned and why do you think you've acquired this new knowledge? If not, why not? In what ways do you feel you have taken the process of learning into your own hands? How can you improve your self-learning skills in the future?
I think that while I was making my demo, I didn't learn more about my subject. What I did learn is more of what I am going to do for my game. The reason is that I have learned all that I need to know to make this game and be sucessful about it. I have taken learning into my own hands because I had to learn about my subject, I had to learn about coding, and I had to learning about effective drawing in Flash. In the future, one way to improve is to put more focus on what I am learning, and less skimming.
I commented on this post: NAME HERE
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Laptop, Desktop, or Tablet
Laptops, desktops, or tablets....which will be used in the future? Which of the three do you think will "win out"?, in other words, which do you think that we will end up using? Why do you think this? Why is one better to use than the others? If you had a preference to use in class, which would it be?
Not this blog again. I did this last year. *sigh* Oh well. I don't know. All three have there purpose and are good, but I think that they will all co-exist with each other. None of these will win out. Each type has their own positives and negatives. For example, laptops are good for travel when you have stuff to do that won't fit a flashdrive. Tablets are not computers to me, but oversized smartphones. They are good for leisure. Desktops are good for real buisness and with gaming. Each one of these works very well with eachother and all have their place in the world. To simply answer the questions, All; none; all of them; because they have their places in society; they each have specific pros and cons, so chose wisely. In class, tablets, with detachable keyboards, but only because it is easier to draw something with a tablet and pen than with a mouse.
I commented on this post: Caitlin
Obama's Inaguration & Oath
Did you relaize that President Obama has taken the Oath of Office four times? How did this happen, he has only been elected two times. Who was the last president that took the Oath of Office four times and what years did this occur?
Obama took the oath of office for a fourth time because the constitution says that the president has to take the oath of office on January 20th, which is when the outdoor oath is typically taken place. Because it was Sunday, they pushed the outdoor festivities until tomorrow. He would only have taken the oath 3 times, but in 2009, he messed up the outdoor oath, so he had to retake it a second time. The last president to take the oath of office 4 times was FDR. He took the oath in 1933, 1937, 1941, and 1945.
I commented on this post: Austin
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
NY Gun Laws
What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree with these stronger laws or do you think that they are going to far? Do you think these laws are going against peoples' Second Ammendment right or do you agree with the article when it says, “The Second Amendment does not guarantee the right to bear arms to kill innocent firefighters, teachers and children, and that’s the message we have to send.”
At this point, with all of this gun control talk, I don't care anymore. People shouldn't murder, but they will find a way. For example, in China, which as very restrictive gun laws, has seen 10 mass murders at schools by using knives and hammers to inflict the damage. One of them happened on the SAME day as the Sandy Hook massacre. It doesn't matter anymore. Call me cynical, but murder will not go away, and the only reason the prefered murder weapon is handguns is because they are easy to hide and good at killing. If there are no guns, then murder by other means will happen, as it has throughout history. Going back to the questions, the laws, I don't care what they do. As long as they are happy, then nothing else will matter to them. Weapons are not suppose to be used in civilian murders, so it doesn't go against the second ammendment.
I commented on this blog: Caitlin
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What do you think that the secret that they are about to reveal is? Do you use Facebook? If so, what do you use it for?
I think that the secret that they are revealing is a brand new layout. A layout that will try to compete against twitter and will try to gain users. It will get away of the current layout, which, as of now, is very cluttered. I do use facebook, but mostly just to see what others are doing. I don't post on facebook too often.
I commented on this blog: Austin
Monday, January 7, 2013
Drag and Drop
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