Thursday, September 27, 2012

Making the Objects Hide

Was it harder than you thought?
Not really, because it was logical how the code is.
What was hard about it?
When you realize that the objects aren't buttons, and you have to covert them into buttons, that is just tedious.
Were you proud when your first object disappeared?
Yes, because even though I am in my second year of Globaloria, I have never made objects dissapear, just move to another location.
Did you have to debug?
I didn't have to debug, thankfully, because that gets tiring when you think you are ready, but you are not yet becausemore bugs are appearing.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Drawing A Background

Was it harder than you thought?
What was harder than I thought was getting the paper prototype lined up with the stage. Because the paper prototype was a large picture, it was hard adjusting the picture to be hovering over the stage.
What was hard about it?
As I just said, the placing the paper prototype over the stage was difficult. Besides that, it was fairly simple.
Was there anything specific that you really liked about drawing in Flash?
How many different ways there are to drawing in flash, such as straight lines, pencil, and many other things.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Paper Prototype Part 1

What problems did it help you to solve with your game idea?
It helped with the basic design of my game, such as how to hide my objects. It also helped with my basic idea that I feel that I got across well through my paper prototype. It didn't help with having detail in my game. I feel that this is because when I transfer my prototype to Flash, that more details will be transfered with it. Overall, the paper prototype helped with my game making.

Commented on this post: Austin

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Plan Game Scene

Write about your vision for this game.
What I vision for the hidden object game is a cityscape. In there, there will be my hidden symbols that has to be found in order of P.E.M.D.A.S.
What excites you about it?
What excites me is that this is the first time I used flash since last school year. It's been awhile but I feel that I will remember most of the stuff. Even if I don't remember, I can look it up and I will figure out how to do it.

Commented on this post: James

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Choosing a Learnign Topic

Why do you like this topic for your Hidden Object game?The topic I am using is order of operations. I like this topic for my hidden object gane because it is easy to learn and maybe easy to do in a game. This will not be in any way related to my final game. This is because it would be difficult to have a full game with this subject, but it would be easy to have a minigame with this subject.

Commented on this post: Austin

Monday, September 10, 2012

Play to Learn Part 1

Reflect on what you learned by playing these games. What kind of ideas did you get for your own game?
Some of the hidden object games, such as Animals at Risk, were good games. Some, on the other hand, like Kitty Math, has few good attributes. Kitty Math was too easy and you could moe the mouse around and find the cat by how the mouse changed. The art was good though, in Kitty Math. Animals at Risk was a good game, hiding the objects very well, but the background got repetitive. An idea is using the good in both of these games and make it a level in my game, which may be a tri-level thing again.

Commented on this blog: Austin

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Single Story/Join the Community

What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?
What it means is that someone has a single idea of how a certain place is, kind of like a steryotype.
Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community?
A single story about West Virginia is that we are all rednecks that inbreed into oblivion. What is missing that extremely few are like that, but most of us are sophisticated, like any other place. People can learn about WV by visiting.
Describe a single story you have heard about another community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about that community?
A single story I have heard is that California is all hippies. I learned of this through the media and I could find out about CA is to visit or have an email "pen-pal".
How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community?
It could show how life in an area actually is and not how they think it is.

Commented on this blog: James